Paediatric airway management


  • Robert Erat University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Janez Benedik Department of Anaesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care, Division of Surgery, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia



airway, management, children, ventilation


Paediatric airway greatly differs from airway in an adult. There are many anatomic and physiologic differences that we must consider during any airway manipulation. Well-taken medical history and proper clinical airway assessment are very helpful in predicting the possibility of difficult mask ventilation or problems during intubation. Many factors help us predict difficult intubation but they are not always reliable. We use many different tools to manage the airway. Each tool has its advantages and disadvantages, but only endotracheal tube prevents aspiration. In case of difficult intubation, we should follow strict algorithms that help us solve the most common problems during airway management. Paediatric airway is more reactive to any manipulation, and the possibility of laryngospasm is higher. Laryngospasm is an urgent condition that must be solved immediately to prevent breathing and possible cardiac arrest.


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Paediatric airway management. ZdravVestn [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];91(7-8):337-44. Available from: