COVID-19: our experience and quality of management analysis

(Topolšica Hospital case report)


  • Jana Makuc Topolšica Hospital, Topolšica, Slovenia
  • Jurij Šorli Hospital Topolšica, Topolšica, Slovenia



epidemy, mortality, intensive care, guidelines, infection


Various Slovenian hospitals were recruited to treat COVID-19 patients in Slovenia during the COVID-19 epidemic. Centrally coordinated hospital utilisation - depending on the needs, available hospital bed capacity, and considering the professional orientation of individual hospitals - left these facilities with different experiences. We present our experience and COVID-19 treatment management during the fourth epidemic wave in our peripheral, pulmonary-oriented hospital, representing the first treatment quality analysis of these patients in Slovenia. The basic hospitalization characteristics were analysed using integrated Birpis information system solutions and the electronic temperature-therapeutic charts (eTTL) review. The quality of management was assessed through adherence to professional recommendations. The analysis was carried out with the in-built statistical functions of Microsoft Excel software. 99 patients (58 women, 41 men) aged 67.9 years were hospitalised for an average of 8.1 days. The majority were residents of our region (61%), unvaccinated (61.6%), and experienced a severe form of the disease with the need for oxygen supplementation (88.9%). The majority received steroids (73.7%), antibiotics (68.7%) and vitamin D (71.7%), to a lesser extent specific therapy (remdesivir 25.3%, combination casirivimab/imdevimab 2%, tocilizumab 1%). No adverse reactions were noted. 17 people died (total mortality rate 17.2%). There was no infection transmission among the COVID department staff. Results show successful treatment of patients with COVID-19 in Topolsica Hospital. They also suggest the possibility of further improvements, particularly in prescribing antibiotic therapy.


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Professional Article

How to Cite

COVID-19: our experience and quality of management analysis: (Topolšica Hospital case report). ZdravVestn [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];92(3-4):149-53. Available from:

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