Manuscript Submission

All papers should be submitted online via the Zdravniski vestnik submission portal.

Please follow the instructions given on screen. Before submission, please read instructions given under Manuscript Preparation.

The authors should submit their paper as a single document, along with the literature, tables and text to figures. Figures are submitted in a separate file. Any supplementary material (additional figures/graphs, tables or videos) with the article-related data that are intended to be published only in the online issue of the journal should be submitted as separate files.

In the process of submission, authors shall classify their contributions in one of the following article types and the field of research.

Please also supply the names of three referees to whom your manuscript may be sent for review.

For any queries during the submission and peer review process please contact the editorial office at

Submission help

The submission takes roughly 20 minutes. A short generic YouTube movie regarding the submission process is available at:


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