Section of anesthetists of the Slovenian medical association


  • Stojan Vladislav Jeretin upokojen
  • Miriam Petrun Ulaga upokojena
  • Jože Četina upokojen
  • Nasta Pirc Delak upokojena



Anaestetic section off the Slovenian medical association, training program in ansaesthesia, history of slovenian anesthesia. International anesthesia meetings, events in Slovenia, founding of the slovenian section.


The foundation dates of the section of anesthetists of the Slovenian medical association were mostly based on unproven anecdotal reports. Documents recently discovered at the historical archive of Ljubljana indicate that the section was founded by D. Hočevar and nineteen Slovenian anesthetists February 6th 1957. The section during the next years ceased to function and was revived in 1962. Carefully maintained archives vanished by 1969. After a critical period the Slovenian Section reached its maximal activity in the years 1970 -1980 by creating a Slovenian training program for anesthetists, comparable to most other developed countries. International meetings of Styrian and Slovenian anesthetists as well as the international seminars in Anesthesia all with published proceedings, were recognizable events.


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Pripravljalni odbor za ustanovitev sekcije za anestezijo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva v Ljubljani 15. februarja 1957. Ustanovljene sekcija za anestezijo SZD

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S piski predavanj po letnikih specializacije in predavatelji. Osebni arhiv. S. Jeretin






How to Cite

Section of anesthetists of the Slovenian medical association. ZdravVestn [Internet]. 2016 May 7 [cited 2024 Oct. 13];85(3). Available from:

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