Perioperative use of medical hypnosis


  • Jasmina Markovič Božič Department of Anaesthetics and Surgical Intensive Care, Division of Surgery, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Alenka Spindler Vesel Department of Anaesthetics and Surgical Intensive Care, Division of Surgery, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia



perioperative hypnosis, perioperative stress, hypnosedation, multimodal perioperative treatment


Emotional stress during medical procedures causes a direct negative experience as well as possible negative consequences for patients. It can be reduced by pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Hypnosis is a non-pharmacological intervention which reduces perioperative stress and pain. Hypnosedation is an anaesthetic technique that combines hypnosis with local and regional anaesthesia, procedural sedation and analgesia. It is associated with improved intraoperative comfort, reduced anxiety and pain, diminished intraoperative anxiolytics and analgesics requirements, optimised surgical conditions and enhanced recovery. It is appropriated just for certain surgical procedures and selected patients. Multimodal strategies should include pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches, where medical hypnosis is used as an adjunct in perioperative setting.


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Perioperative use of medical hypnosis. ZdravVestn [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 24];90(3-4):202-7. Available from: