Teaching communication with the help of video and simulated patients – 15 years of experience of the Medical faculty of Ljubljana
Ključne besede:
communication skills, video, role play, simulated patient, family medicinePovzetek
Communicating with patients is a basic skill of a family doctor. It includes taking the history while following the patient’s feelings and expectations and explaining the intended tests and treatment. Good communication between the doctor and the patient enables maintaining their long-term quality relationship based on trust. Such a relationship significantly contributes to the quality of medical care of the patient and brings satisfaction not only to the patient but also to the entire medical staff involved in the treatment. Communication skills can be learned. But teaching such communication in the classic medical education has long been neglected. The Department of Family medicine at the Medical Faculty of Ljubljana has contributed considerably to some changes in this area. Results of several researches have shown that changes in learning communication skills cannot be made by simply learning from books or attending lectures. Therefore, the Department of Family medicine has been enabling their students to improve their skills of communication through different forms of practical work for 15 years. The purpose of this article is to present 15 years of experience in teaching communication especially with the help of video at the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical Faculty of Ljubljana.Prenosi
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